PÉREZ JUAN, J.A., Prozees wegen aufrührerischer Handlungen in der Anfangszeit des liberalen Spaniens, en Justizreform im Bürgerlichen Zeitalter Rechtsentwicklungen in Spanien und Deutschland: Reforma judicial en la era burguesa desarrollo del derecho en España y Alemania / Antonio Sánchez Aranda (ed. lit.), Martin Löhnig (ed. lit.), 2013, ISBN 978-3-86646-412-4, págs. 29-48.


During the Liberal Triennium in Spain (1820-1823) the freedom of the Press is re-established. However, exercising this rihgt, far from favouring the consolidation of the liberal state, entails excesses and abuse which have to be procescuted adn punished by the competent authorities. This article analyzes the publication of the pamphlet “Guards against republicans”-Centinelas contra republicanos, which was classified as subversive against the fundamental laws as it intended to do away with the new constitutional order and with the procedure that was applied in order to suppress it. Conducting this process caused serious difficulties since irregularities in the procedure were observed which forced the parliament to call to account the judges and magistrates implied there in.